Just the Facts,
with Israel Akinbobuyi

Artist Statement:
Art is made to express a feeling one may have towards a situation, themselves, or a general thought. Many think that artists and their art are deep thinking creative people who know how to express themselves best within their medium. For that, the general thought many non artists have is that every artist looks towards being profound and having their work displayed for all to see in a gallery or museum. I have a much more simple goal in mind, however. I create and think about how to make my art appear as interesting as I can. I use digital tools such as Photoshop and Illustrator and leverage them with all my knowledge to make stunning works. My work is meant to elicit a simple feeling such as, “Wow! This is really cool!” I hope to inspire all those who view my art to start creating art themselves; because in my mind, I believe anyone can be an artist if they are passionate and willing to hone their craft.

With that being said, I hope I was able to inspire you today.

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