
Ads made to concept theoretical ads for practical use. Collaborating with some parties; we made some ads for different groups as well as designs for the products for which the ads are advertising.

*I do not own any of the brands for the ads I worked on*

Vans Life, Ad Concepts with Andrew Woods

While working with Copywriter, Andrew Woods, we concepted a series of Ads for the Vans Branding. Using photos found all over the internet, we turned a bunch of different pictures into works of art. He did the captioned text and I did the graphics. Together, I think we did a great job!

You can check out his work on his website: https://copycatbusinesswriting.com/

This one was somewhat challenging to create due to the lack of resources for images. I tried using food images true to the brands being from their websites or social media to give it a more real feeling. I think we changed the final burger to a different one, because the only other one that fit the image properly used sandwich buns instead of burger buns.

A Sinful Collab, Ad Concepts with Andrew Woods

Collaborating once again with copywriter, Andrew Woods, we concepted a fictional partnering between two local brands from Andrew’s town. That being a deviled egg company called… Deviled Egg Co. and a burger place called Sinful Burger. Andrew once again did the captions and the copywriting and I did the design.

You can check out his work on his website: https://copycatbusinesswriting.com/

Demon Dogs, Max’s Takeout
Ad Concepts with students
from AAA.

Coming from the America Academy of Art, I had an advertising art class where we worked on a project in groups. We had to make a fictional product and make an ad for it as well for a business that already exist. We chose a local hot dog restaurant called Max’s Takeout.

I was tasked with putting together a few ads and creating the hotdog render.

Melanie Djordjevic was tasked with creating the Illustrations.
You can find her website at: https://www.melaniedjordjevic.com/

Luis was tasked with creating most of the type, the base ad, and was also the project lead.

I painstakingly rendered this hot dog and cheese fry collage using a BUNCH of different assets. The combination of these images and some photoshop magic made this render a reality.

The Demon Dog and
Ultra-Spicy Cheese Fries combo

The idea behind the project was to make it come across that this hot dog and hot cheese fries combo might be too spicy for the average person to handle. We also wanted to give it a familiar Chicago look.

 Astro Afros Curl Activator

This piece was made for the ICMAD 2021 Contest. It was a package design contest and I decided to create one that best for those with textured hair and is themed around space as well.

Having to create the packaging itself as well as the design, this was a bit of a challenge but a really rewarding experience. I even decided to make a gif for the ad as well.


Vector Art


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